FOODMET opened even though terror threat

Last Sunday, the entire capital of Belgium was paralyzed with fear. All markets were canceled by the risk of terror threat. Unfortunately, but it was also unavoidable for our outdoor market. But after long reflection, we decided to open our FOODMET, the new Food Hall. The 45 stores in this foodhall could be easily opened, but for the ambulatory merchants from the outdoor market (there around 400), this wasn't possible. Our staff and the securities from FACT GROUP did a great job. They offered around 5.000 people living in Brussels the possibility to purchase food for the following days. Read more...

All visitors were asked to open their bags and shopping trollies. The staff screened all the visitors one by one. Over 5.000 visitors showed up, which is less than 20% on a normal Sunday Market. A deficitary day for all the merchants ! And for us, as organizer, a supplementary bill for all-round security. We like to thank our clients and suppliers for their comprehension and collaboration. To calm down this situation, we really hope to have beter perspectives for the next days in this terror threat crisis. We rather like to continue on a normal rythm. This multicultural market shall not be afraid from terrorism !

Hereafter, you can see the company site on Sunday, entirely empty. A quite unusual image on Sundays at Abattoir. Instead, inside the FOODMET it was very convivial and well frequented at the stalls.