Come and have a taste of our vegetable garden's produce

The initiative to start up a vegetable garden on our site came from an architect students organization. It was their intention to make inhabitants, merchants and social organizations aware of the Slaughterhouses’ destiny.

moestuinA nice result obtained thanks to the efforts of two asbl organizations

These architects’ innovative ideas were picked up by two sprl’s (non-profit organizations), i.e. “La Boutique Culturelle” and “Infor-Femmes”. Together they decided to create a garden behind the Abattoir’s fence all along the Ropsy Chaudron street. As long as the site transformation works haven’t started, the have Abatan’s permission to use this space freely during daytime.

The first seeds were planted in April 2010. Some huge tubs were made from pallets and little by little a true vegetable garden was born. Today, some eight people work in the garden, some of them every day, others keep a more punctual rhythm. Everyone is welcome, even if it is only for enjoying a sunny afternoon. On wednesday afternoon there is also a local traditional artist teaching how to make mosaics.

moestuinTomatoes, bardane, sorrel, strawberries, cabage, wtercress, coriander, sunflowers, Nasturtium, potatoes, … it is all growing here. Many plants are hardly known, although they taste marvelously well in salads, or in healthy soups with lots of vitamines, Fernanda’s favourite. You should also try Chrales’ omelette with sorrel and Nasturtium, a real delicacy.



If you would like to join our table, you are welcome every Tuesday, as of 17.30 hrs.
More information: Infor-Femmes sprl, on 02 511 47 06

Legends: left: Capucine; topright: vegetable garden; bottom: bardane